Pride and Prejudice

A brown cat with a wizard hat, carrying a pride flag

I posted recently about a reader who dropped off my email list because my books weren't in Kindle Unlimited (KU).

But that wasn't the only issue this person wanted to complain about. This is from their email:

"…[We] are tired of the way you push the alphabet agenda in all your books. If you want to support these mentally ill people (yes it is still classified as a mental illness, especially outside of the US) who have a started goal of targeting Innocent children and destroying their bodies and lives go right ahead, you have every right to do that. We will not support those who push that agenda and refuse to protect children. If you can sleep at night with that on your conscience good for you..."

That made me stop formulating my response to them. 

I put the computer down, and walked away for a few moments. 

When I came back, I made sure that person was truly unsubscribed from my list, and flagged their address to never get another email from me. 

You see, I’m not just an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. 

I’m the child of a gay man. 

My parents divorced in the early 1980s. After that, my father slowly started opening the closet door and letting us see into his real life. The 1980s were not safe times for LGBT folks. But he survived, and eventually came all the way out.

Dad died of a massive heart attack in the mid 1990s, so he barely got to see his grandkids. 

Crazy Granny (my mother), however, got to meet and love all of them. Including my niece Allie, the Librarian. Crazy Granny even made it to Allie’s wedding to her wife Sam. Allie and Sam are the inspiration behind Sammi Cupertino and Courtney in the Eerie Falls Mysteries. 

I’ve also got a great-nephew who’s come out as trans. I’m naming a character after him in the next book. 

I’m not just an ally, I’m a family member. 

I welcome all readers, but I understand that some might not be ready to accept everyone due to your own belief structure. I’d hoped that presenting characters of a wide and diverse set of backgrounds might open some eyes. 

If this isn’t the type of world you’d like to see, then my books are not for you.

But, I draw the line at insulting or threatening my family. 


So, when it comes to writing my stories, they’ll always be inclusive. Neither Crazy Granny, nor I, would have it any other way.

To my LGBTQ+ family and friends: I see you. I love you just as you are. Keep on being you. And Happy Pride. 

Stay Crazy!
