Meet the author
I spent a decade as a news photographer, and two more decades as a wedding photographer. Eventually, my wife and I moved to the smog-filled streets of Los Angeles.
I found myself sitting on a tiny balcony outside our equally tiny apartment. While my wife pursued her career, I used the memories of my epic fantasy, and crime–(fiction)–filled childhood to create these stories filles with snarky talking cats, murders, and mysteries.
Now, my cat (Lord Fuzzbutt) and I inhabit either the writing cave in our Indiana basement to bang out the words that make up the magical and mystical worlds of my books. In the warmer months, we'll be out on the patio, wording words. Well, I will be. Lord Fuzzbutt is always on the prowl for chipmunks.
When I'm not wording the words, I enjoying painting little toy soldiers for games set in magical, mystical worlds, or working on my model railroad empire. That's me in the photo, hanging out in a game store.
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